Club Chairperson: Colin Plumber
Lead Coach: Position Vacant
Gemma Carter Level 2 qualified teacher – development Squad
Gemma has recently joined the Viking coaching team and will be involved with the development squad and trains with our Masters squad. As a swimmer she used to swim for Maldon Sharks back in Essex and competed for 13 years. Gemma holds a Level 2 teaching qualification and has had over 10 years teaching experience including teaching abroad. Gemma currently assist with the running of Caister swim school operating out of theJohn Grant School.
John Holden: Level 2 qualified teacher & Level 2 qualified coach – development Squad
John holds both Swim England’s Level 2 Coaches &Teaches certificates. He also holds the Level 2 Teachers certificate with the Swimming Teachers’ Association (STA). John is a qualified life saving tutor/assessor for both the Royal Life Saving Society and the STA. John has had a number of years experience and you will normally find him coaching the Development Squad at the Victory.
Guy Metcalf: Level 2 qualified teacher – performance squads
Guy’s association with the Vikings goes back since he started with the club at the age of 7 years and swam with them until he was 27! He holds Swim England’s Level 2 Teachers Certificate and is an STA qualified Open Water Coach which takes him around the world leading swimming holidays. He is very experienced and has held a number of aquatic teaching roles in Schools Swimming , Adult Education and advisory roles across North Norfolk
Rebecca Bacon
Rebecca has just recently joined the coaching staff (more details to follow shortly)
All coaches have clear DRB checks
Your Committee:
Key contacts:
Chairperson – Colin Plumber
Membership Secretary – Jane Bussey
Welfare Officer – Louise Harris
The rest of the Committee:
Treasurer – Jane Bussey
Secretary – Samantha Seaman
Fixtures Secretary – Linda Edridge
Welfare & Training – Louise Harris
2nd Welfare Officer – Rebecca Morton
Norfolk County Rep. – Becky Horne-Morris
Swim Mark Accreditation – Co-Ordinator – Guy Metcalf
Kit Ordering – Roxanne Demmen
Press, Fundraising & Website – John Holden
Squad Representatives:
Squad A & B Rep – Rebecca Morton
Squad C – Amy Parker
Development – Kristy Lee
Masters & Triathlon – Guy Metcalf
The Committee
The Club is run as a not for profit organisation managed by a dedicated committee of elected volunteers.
The committee meets on a regular basis every few weeks. The committee is elected at the AGM which is held each November, and everyone is invited to attend. If the post of any Officer or Committee member should fall vacant after such an election, the Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancy.
If you are interested in joining the committee, have skills that the club may find useful or just want to get more involved please speak to Sarah Buchan.
The Committee has the authority to appoint a Lead Coach and Assistant Coach(es) with the appropriate qualifications and experience. Conditions of appointment and expenses are by mutual agreement. The Coaches have no financial control but do have open access to the Committee
From time to time we hold fundraising events and have club outings. To enable us to keep you informed of these events and to ensure you receive up to date squad mailings please ensure your email address is included on the club application form and always let us know if you change your contact details.
Most of the general information distributed is also put onto the notice board, so it is advisable that parents also regularly check the notice board, located to the left of the door as you enter the Victory, North Walsham.